The Guild
The Guild was founded in 1887 by Rev Dr Archibald Charteris as the Church of Scotland Woman’s Guild, aiming to establish “a movement of all the willing women workers in a parish, old and young, rich and poor, for mutual help and united action”. In 1997, membership was opened to men and the name was changed to the Church of Scotland Guild, and today it is one of Scotland’s largest voluntary organisations, with about 30,000 members.

Crown Court’s Guild celebrated its 120th anniversary in 2010. Membership is open to all who support the Guild’s aim.
The Church of Scotland Guild is a movement within the Church of Scotland which invites and encourages both women and men to commit their lives to Jesus Christ and enables them to express their faith in worship, prayer and action.
The Guild’s annual theme for 2024 is ‘New Wine, New Wine Skins’, and 2024 is also the final year of the 2021-2024 strategy ‘Looking forward in Faith’. Topics offer a chance to explore a particular issue of current concern, leading to local action. Crown Court Guild this year supported The Vine Trust’s Kazunzu Village of Hope project, which supports the development of a sustainable village in Tanzania. It raised £350 this year from a book sale and donations.
To learn more about Crown Court Guild, email the secretary, Jennifer Laird, at

Rambling and Social Club
The Rambling and Social Club has been a mainstay of social life at Crown Court for more than 100 years. It meets once or twice a month, with a programme that differs depending on the time of year.
During the summer the Club organises rambles in a variety of places, both rural and urban, all around inner and outer London. You don’t need fitness training to participate – the pace is easy and companionship and enjoyment are what count. From time to time there are also visits to places of interest, theatre outings and other such activities. In the winter there are Saturday evening socials in the Church Hall, beginning with tea at 6.30pm.
Rambling and Social Club activities will be advertised on the Calendar page; all are welcome to attend.
Crown Court Church Choir
Our four-part voluntary choir leads our Sunday morning services, singing an anthem each week. The choir also gives regular concerts, and takes part in ecumenical events, such as the annual carol singing event for Christian Aid in Trafalgar Square. Over the past few years, the choir has also commissioned several new works, including an anthem to celebrate the church’s Tercentenary year, selected through a competition for young composers. Over the past few years, we have enjoyed choir trips to sing services at St Albans Cathedral and Worcester Cathedral.
The choir practises every Wednesday from 7.15pm until 9pm in the Church Hall, with a break for a cup of tea and a natter, and on Sunday morning from 10.15am before the morning service.
We are currently welcoming new members in all voice parts (SATB).
If you are interested in joining us, email our Director of Music, Jacob Collins, at

Friends of Crown Court

How can you stay in touch with Crown Court if you have moved away and can no longer join us for worship regularly? The Friends of Crown Court was formed over fifty years ago to fulfil the need to allow former members to stay in touch with the church.
By becoming a Friend of Crown Court you will receive regular news of what is happening within the church and an invitation to join the annual Friends’ service. You will also have an opportunity to contribute to the development of the church by supporting special projects. Most importantly, it will enable you to join with current members and remain part of the wider Crown Court community.
Life Membership of the Friends of Crown Court is £20 per person. If you would like to join the Friends of Crown Court please send your cheque, payable to “The Friends of Crown Court”, together with your name, address, and, if possible, your email address, to:
The Honorary Secretary, The Friends of Crown Court, Crown Court Church of Scotland, Russell Street, Covent Garden, London WC2B 5EZ.